VC Market Shift: A Welcome Correction Paves the Way for Thoughtful Investment Strategies
CBS Professor Angela Lee explores the benefits of improved due diligence.
CBS Professor Angela Lee explores the benefits of improved due diligence.
Research highlights the significant potential and promise of innovation within the field of neuroscience when combined with emerging technologies.
In his new book, The Digital Transformation Roadmap, David Rogers provides a practical blueprint for organizational change.
Why do dominant incumbents fail? Professor Kathryn Rudie Harrigan digs into the declines of industry leaders with lessons for today.
What’s the dollar value of data? Traditional macroeconomic models fall short of answering this complex question — but new research is making strides.
At a recent CBS Digital Future Initiative event, panelists debated the risks of sharing personal data and the responsibilities of those who leverage it.
At this year’s event, headlined Climate × Data, five common themes emerged from panel discussions and interactive presentations.
Columbia Business School Professor Abby Joseph Cohen recently joined former Dean Glenn Hubbard to discuss the forces that could shape the economy and markets in the year ahead.
Professor Lipson discusses the latest developments in robotics and AI, the societal implications of technological advancement, and the role of business and industry in pushing the boundaries of innovation.
Four new Columbia Business School labs seek to prepare students, business, and society for the global transformation to a digital economy.